Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Church Experience Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Church Experience - Term Paper Example I conducted short interviews with twenty Christians in which I studies about Christianity from the people and asked them if they really practice these values in their daily lives. The response I received was tremendous. The people told me that how they practice these values in their daily lives and also that there is no place in Christianity for those who do not practice these values in their daily lives. They told me as how these values help them to lead a successful life. The examples given by them were eye opening. I will share one of the examples I received from a Christian in an interview. Once that Christian man went to his work just like he used to go daily. He saw people making conspiracies against him. He did nothing against them, rather kept doing his work honestly. His boss called him in the office and asked him about the conspiracies and rumors against him. The man said that it is all lies and there was no truth to them. The people making conspiracies against him liked hi s act so much that they started respecting him and protected and helped him at his problems. This was just a small example which really motivated me to study more about Christianity. Churches are considered to be an important factor in the practice of Christianity. According to my interviewed audience, church is not just a place where all the Christians gather and practice their religion. It is also a place where people meet, socialize and discuss all their problems with the people around. They try to help each other and find a solution for the problem people are facing. There are societies made inside the church to help people. For example the education society helps the students in their education field, the health society helps them in maintaining a healthy life, and the music society helps the people to make music their career and so on. People liked to change their religion and convert to Christianity because they felt the religion Christianity is a complete religion and there are no flaws in it. The religion is not just about religious practices but also about keeping all the Christians together, united. It is a complete guideline to a successful life. The best part about having to choose a church was that it was so welcoming that it was not particularly hard to gain access to people and their views. Just to be sure that there would be no problem; I did talk to the priest to make sure I was allowed to be there. His response was only welcoming and he didn’t even question my reasons for being there. His response was a mere that he was glad to have me there and that I was totally welcome to be part of the service. Whilst questioning people, I did introduce myself and briefed them about my project so that they knew what are conversation was about and were not at all misguided. The knowledge I gained was more ethic in nature because the behavior I observed in the church was not specific to any location. Upon questioning and interviewing people, I got the impression loud and clear that all church gatherings almost

Monday, February 10, 2020

Contemporary ethical challenges and Leadership Essay

Contemporary ethical challenges and Leadership - Essay Example Things which people perceived as wrong in the past are now viewed as tolerable and acceptable. This change in the way people think has brought about numerous challenges which leaders have to face. Moral behaviour was initially judged on the basis of religious teachings. Irrespective of which religion an individual belonged to, the human life was focused on the religious teachings. However with the passage of time, the human focus has shifted from religion. With secular societies and nations being on the rise, religion is not viewed as the fundamental basis of how one should act. Consequently, the error theory and the meta-ethics have developed over time. In the present times, age old principles are not used as the basis of governing a situation. Be it an issue in economy or a problem faced in the business, people consider the present situation and weigh their pros and cons before terming an action as either ethical or unethical. It is believed that times have changed so immensely, th at the age old principles do not apply any longer to the issues faced by the people today (Mackie, 110). In a world, where people often do not abide by the rules of religion, it is very important for national leaders to be ethical. Similarly it is very important for business leaders and the executive managers to be ethical. Businesses are run on the basis of trust and ethics. An increasing number of business schools now teach philosophy and ethics as a part of their curriculum so as to avoid their graduates from following prey to scandals and breach of ethics in the real world (Fulmer, 308). The ethics of leadership have been analyzed time and again using the disciplines of science and humanities. While scientific scholars aim at providing people with descriptions and explanations, the humanities scholars deliver an understanding of the topic (Ciulla, 304). Every leader has to face his personal set of ethical challenges. These challenges may differ from one leader to another. In the case of national leaders, there are situations where their moral luck is to be blamed. Certain leaders are not unethical, but the situations that they have to face might lead them to make certain decisions which may look immoral. The decisions which leaders have to make on a daily basis are very sensitive and risky. At times they do not have complete information or may lack the time to gather the required information. When it comes to national decisions, leaders may often have to opt for a strategy which will cause the least amount of damage, but will cause damage nonetheless. Kant’s argument holds true in these situations. The argument was that since humans cannot guarantee the results of their actions, the judgments should be based on the right principles which a certain individual follows and not on the outcome (Ciulla, 309). The business scenario today is changing almost too rapidly. In such situations leaders have to be constantly on their toes, in order to keep themsel ves updated and be a step ahead of their competitors. Every business leader has numerous stakeholders to think about when making a decision. Every single decision made by the CEO of a company affects either the employees, vendors, consumers and shareholders or in certain cases all of them. Numerous companies today operate globally. They are not owned by a single person or family, but are publically owned companies. Multinationals like Unilever and Johnson & Johnson are